How to Grow Bigger, Better Tasting Tomatoes

Learning how to grow bigger, better tomatoes... Whether you are a beginner at growing vegetables or a Master Gardener, these tips for growing tomatoes will help you increase your yield and produce better tasting tomatoes.
Seed packets and plant packs tell you how to plant tomato plants but they do not tell you how to care for them properly. Nor do they provide you with tips for growing tomatoes that have been discovered by experienced gardeners for hundreds of years.
Many gardeners search for tips for growing tomatoes because their plants do not produce high yields as they assumed they would. The main problem is usually caused by improper growing techniques. These tips will help you to grow bigger, better tasting tomatoes in no time.
Create a Stronger Root System by Planting Your Tomatoes Deeper
Growing Tomatoes Tip #1
When planting tomato plants you should always plant them as deep as you can without any leaves touching the ground. By burying the plant deeper, the stem will have more contact with the soil and produce more roots.
The increased root system will help increase the moisture content by having more roots to take in more water. The larger root system also helps the plant 'anchor' into the ground preventing it from bending over and being damaged by storms and high winds.
Prune the Bottom Leaves to Encourage Growth and Prevent Diseases
Growing Tomatoes Tip #2
After your tomato plants become well established remove the lower leaves to promote new growth at the top. The lower leaves will be shaded out by the upper portion of the plant and therefor render them useless since they will not be getting enough sun to actually produce photosynthesis.
Once your tomato plants reaches two feet high remove all of the leaves on the bottom half of the plant. Use snips or pruning shears to prevent damage to the stalk. Removing these leaves will also prevent soil born diseases by preventing the leaves and stems from touching the soil.
Pinch Suckers to Produce Increase Tomato Yields
Growing Tomatoes Tip #3
Suckers are the stems that grow between the stalk and a mature stem. On mature plants that are over 3 feet high they should be pinched out as soon as they begin to develop since they will not produce fruit, cause over crowing and will cause increased shading. The increased shading will decrease photosynthesizing and reduce production and quality of taste.
Some tomato growers do not prune suckers. It is not required but do know that doing so will allow more energy to the main portion of the plant, more sugars to the tomatoes, and better shape.
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